
By dp

Eindhoven - Day 3

Oh dear...

This was about all I saw on my third day in Eindhoven. Something somewhere disagreed with me (the hotel breakfast's 3-hour-slow-cooked scrambled egg by any chance?), and in the middle of the night (4am-ish Wednesday) I had to run for the porcelain throne, the first of many visits.

A gallant effort to get the minibus at 8.30 was greeted by comments of "God, you look awful" from my colleagues, so it was back to bed, missing the days events and paying regular pilgrimages to this thing instead. There I stayed all day, no food, gallons of water and Dutch lucozade.

Twenty four hours in 70s 2* hotel hell. After watching The One Show (BBC in Holland - thank god!) it was time to try and sleep, which I did for the next 11 hours...

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