Horse in space
Quiet Sunday, with Mr B's parents over for lunch. Such a long lunch that no-one much bothered with dinner. A nice visit, with pretty much no unpleasantness or awkward moments at all - which is unusual enough to merit comment. Anyway, a quiet day of socialising and knitting left me with little to blip. So began my usual 11pm prowl for odd combinations of kids' toys to blip. Here is a little set up of Conor's, with his Dad's old lego 'lunar explorer' set. If you check on the left you'll see that the moon seems to have sprouted a horse's hoof. Curious.
More cycling with Katherine today. Here are some things I never imagined having to teach:
1. Going down a gentle slope does not inevitably lead to "getting out of control and crashing into the kerb".
2. Dogs held on a short lead 3 metres off the cycle path are unlikely to jump out and knock you off your bike. Certainly not when they're quite small terriers.
3. That car moving at 5 miles an hour on a different road to the one you are on, about 50 metres away is unlikely to run you over. Particularly when you are standing on the pavement holding your bike and not even cycling.
We still have some way to go before cycling on proper roads I think. And I might avoid prime dog-walking times of day in future too. I would hate to be proved wrong by a rabid bike-hating terrier.
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