
By bevhumphrey

Towards Worsthorne Ridges

from the Haggate crossroads.
I lived in the village of Worsthorne , which is pretty much slap bang on the border of East Lancashire and West Yorkshire for about 15 years. I left here 6 years ago but still only live about 20 minutes drive away over the top roads. You cant see the village from here, but its really quite pretty, and the landscape around enormously variable....sometimes like the Yorkshire Moorland and at others more like the South Lakes. I used to be pretty fit in those days and the top of this ridge was a regular running route from my house , up into the moorland and then sweeping back down into the village. Somewhere I did a lot of deliberating and shed more than a few tears at a cathartic run til your chest hurts sort of way! I think these ridges are due to old mining sites rather than anything naturally occurring. I seldom drive that way any more, but did today and just liked the way the sunlight was hitting them.

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