Abandoned Kitchen

A fine sunny morning in Cunningsburgh and headed west to rain showers which moved south when I arrived home but cleared up into a sunny evening.

Day off work today. I enjoyed a slow easy morning with the dogs and Brian popped over. Mam is back tomorrow, I'll miss looking to her collies but at the same time it'll be a relief not being tied to their feeding times etc :)
I went west in the late morning for a walk with Sammy dog. I came across a lovely old abandoned house on my travels too.
After my walk I had to rush to Burra to pick up my niece Elise from school and she's staying over for the night, waiting for granny to return in the morning :) After tea we planted a few trees in my garden and some bulbs for next spring too. Now time for us to watch a film and an early night for me :)

A sad state of an old abandoned house I came across today, Lea, East Burrafirth. The roof has started to fall in and leaking everywhere but that never stops me looking inside. By the looks of it someone had just moved out, possibly due to old age and everything inside has stayed, including diaries and personal letters, which I can't read as none of my business. It looked like I'm not the first inside either, the place looked it had been ransacked with things throw around. Shame to see it like this and this kitchen, once the heart of a house, no longer required.

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