Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


..so many flowers in the garden dying now that Summer is nearing its end.

Although today was lovely and warm, there are yellow tinges to many trees and that Autumnal nip in the air can be felt in the morning. I do love Summer, but you have to appreciate something about all the seasons.
For Autumn it's those clear, crisp, sunny mornings that turn into bright, fairly mild days. Days which have you reaching for your fingerless gloves and a cardi.
I wasn't brave enough with this blip, i have another version where I've changed it to brown tint and really lightened it to make it almost gossamer and dreamlike. Meh...I've stayed safe..again.

My lovely is home for the weekend, we all went to the airport to pick him up. So now we are looking forward to a busy, sociable weekend. my sis and bro-in-law are up to celebrate my mum's b'day. Happy days.
Wishing all a super weekend..long one for those in England.


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