What would Mum/Roma do?

I had an email from my sister this week. She shared with me something she'd read and found helpful in dealing with the loss of Mum.

Like Jennie I often have questions I'd like to ask Mum and this suggestion is a positive way of dealing with those.

The woman who wrote the blog post had lost her Mum too. This is what she wrote.

"Whenever I’m feeling lost and wishing I could call Mum and ask her for help, I ask myself a question instead.

‘What would June do?’

The funny thing is as soon as I ask it, I usually feel exactly what the answer is.

Just something that I’ve found useful. If you’re ever missing someone, try it. It might just help you too. "

My Mum's name is Roma but I called her Mum. Over the past couple of days I've asked the question "What would Mum do?".

It helps. I know immediately what she would say. I miss Mum terribly. I always will. But this is a positive way of carrying her with me.

An unusually early blip for me. I've been around home and gone over touch ups with the painter. It was nice to have his backing on the carpet (not that I asked for it, it's just so obvious).

Before that I reduced my stress with a bit of hill exercise. Now it's mild domestics before I take a few things home.

I'm feeling like cooking so a lemon roasted chicken with veges and salad for me and the fisher/hunter. He's going to help me over the next few days so only right I feed him.

Then we'll kick back with a DVD. Yes, that's right, a DVD not rugby ;-)

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