The Moon and Stars came out to play...

Today, I received this lovely, lovely card from "Little Acorns".

From Little Acorns is getting married shortly.... in a country far, far away, and she has the best shoes ever, although quite how she'll manage to run away from the lions and tigers in those I'm not sure.

Due to the distance, she and her betrothed, have come up with a lovely idea - friends, family and the occasional Dog have been invited to write a note, words of encouragement, love, enthusiasm, advice, on a little tag, which they will take with them, to the far away land and tie to a tree which will overlook the ceremony. In this way, despite being in the middle of the African plains, they will be surrounded by friends and family and all their thoughts and kind words.

I can't think of anything more lovely and think it will just be the finishing touches to what looks like is going to be a perfect day.

Today is always a good day to celebrate love.... it's 28 years to the day, since I, only a young thing, met the lurve of my life. (By my latest maths, I was only 14 16? at the time. (I can't remember how old I'm supposed to be) But I knew... I knew. And I still do :-)

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