Liverpool Waterfront

Huddsbird and I had originally planned a bike ride for today but the weather forecast made us move to plan B, a trip into Liverpool. Forecast was for rain until about 4pm and it was certainly very wet when we set off but once we arrived in Liverpool the rain kindly held off and the sun came out, although it was still windy at times.

We were going to get a double ticket for the tour bus and ferry. Having parked near the cathedral we waited for the first bus but he had run out of double tickets and told us to wait half an hour for the next bus. Instead we walked all the way to the pier head and started from there.

Lovely tour on the "Ferry cross the Mersey". Then caught the tour bus and got off at the Cavern Quarter. Lovely walk down the street there. We were going to go for a drink in the Cavern but there was some live music on and they were charging to get in so we passed on that one. Back on the bus for the next bit of the tour. We got off at the Philharmonic hall and went in for a drink then walked along Hope street, stopping at the sculpture of the suitcases, and on to the Chinese arch. The plan was to take pictures and catch the next bus, unfortunately we missed the bus so ended up walking to the Albert dock, where we had an ice cream, and then back to the pier head. We caught the bus again to take us back to the cathedral for the walk back to the car.

A lovely day and great to have the evening together as well.

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