~Cruising the San Juan Islands~

This morning I got a call asking could I watch the girls........... The answer was YES...

This evening Mike and I went on a cruise through the San Juan Island with our friends Kris and Deanna who were celebrating their 28th wedding anniversary.

The picture I posted you will see just a small portion of the rocks that are filled with the Cormorants, a marine bird hat inhabits the Pacific coast of North America. A few interesting facts are.
Cormorants do not have waterproof feathers. It turns out that waterproof feathers stink for diving, so instead cormorants kept feathers that are easily waterlogged to help them sink and dive faster. This is why you’ll often see them with just their heads sticking out of the water because their feathers are waterlogged and weighing them down and you’ll also see them sitting on rocks with their wings spread out drying their wet feathers.

After eating, cormorants regurgitate pellets containing indigestible fish bones and animal parts just like barn owls regurgitate mouse bones.

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