Times Of My Life

By CarolB

New Boots

G's lovely nephew, Taylor, stayed with us last night. He's turning into a strapping lad, only 15 but he's way taller than his Uncle G, and definitely the second tallest in our combined family after my nephew Kyle.

He had a bit of a hard time at school for a while, getting bullied quite badly. But then he found his niches, politics and rugby. The former has led to him being an ambassador for his school at events where there was serious political debate, and where he had to pretend to be 16. He's met the First Minister, and his screen saver is a picture of him with Nicola Sturgeon. He's totally gutted that he is not old enough to vote in the Referendum, and I'm gutted for him. He is so well informed, and read the entire White Paper as soon as it was available.

The latter interest has led to him getting the nickname 'Tank' 'cos he just puts his head down and dives in!

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say these two interests have changed, if not saved, his life. It is totally heartbreaking to see good kids scared to go to school because of other kids, and he really was. He got picked on and beaten up several times. But now he has friends, and he is part of a team which could 'whup the asses' of those bullies (secretly, I wish they would just do it anyway).

This morning he was off to training, so this is him posing in his new boots in our garden. Rocky, who spent last night sleeping at his feet, is keeping his eye on the ball!

PS - Now I see how badly that fence in the background needs fixing: added to the list of jobs to be done as soon as we get back from holiday.

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