
By CanonEyes

Water torture.

Eldest son Joe was nominated for the ' Bucket of Iced water over head' challenge in aid of Motor Neurone disease. I had the exquisite pleasure of performing the ceremony while youngest son took the video. I set my camera up on the tripod with a ten second delay, continuous shooting, and used the remote lead. I only got one good shot but I was happy with that.
He had said he was going to nominate me. I told him to have a defibrillator standing by if he did.
The host of the Rose of Tralee television coverage did it live on air after being nominated by his mother. He nominated three other radio and T.V. personalities who all obliged, nominating further celebrities in turn. It has gone viral as they say. The Rose of tralee event was only a week ago and the charity has already taken in 350,000 euro extra. So, fair play to everyone who is getting involved.
I had a pint of beer poured over my head by the Redhead once and I don't care to repeat the experience.

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