I Love you

'Charlie' (dog) and Mike,

I said goodbye to Lily and her Mum today. We went to Trentham Gardens this morning, had a bit of a shop, well Lil did, and tried to get us to pay!! We had a lovely lunch outside in the sunshine and then had to say our goodbyes.

Before I went home I wandered down our branch of the Shropshire Union Canal as we have our Canal Festival this weekend with lots of boats from hither and thither selling their wares -

This is Mike with 'Charlie' (dog) on their boat; they are promoting and selling herbs and Aromatherapy oils . Being an Aromatheripist myself I did alot of nattering and learnt even more about the beneficial properties of herbs and also got to know that Mike is a man of many talents, having been a circus clown for starters, but now enjoying a life on the canals with his partner Kit, who was not in evidence today but is a revered Herbalist in her own right.

I am feeling a little bereft this evening without my special girls and too late to join Mr. T at the Gliding Club but day off tomorrow and plenty to do.

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