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Two photos taken today. This was the second. I was a bit taken with all the newspaper in the windows here, so I stood a while deciding on the exposure (and got it over-bright, in the end), made sure I had the focus set, then walked across the road, pausing in the middle to raise the camera and click, then finished my stroll to work.
Unusually for me (at least nowadays), I've used a preset, in Snapseed. The olde-seventiese look seemed to fit. And mrs tsuken liked it.
Click to enfenestrate.
Biggr. Bettr. Flickr.
Takumar Bayonet 1:2.8 20mm on Pentax K-30. f/5.6 (of course).
- 0
- 0
- Pentax K-30
- 28mm
- 200
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