Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

un percorso tortuoso..

A winding path....

It has long been in my mind that my little journal has reached its focus...the aim was to improve my camera skills and have a place to write my days and thoughts. There have been days when I have struggled to find things worthy of my original purpose of taking lovely/fascinating images, days when it all seemed pointless yet I had things to say....

With a view of the fake digital world and all its 'likes' and 'follows', and the fact that I wonder at what I'm doing it for.....I have decided to stop daily posts.

I will still have a journal...when I have things to tell about....but it has come to a point where Three years is enough.

My love of this place has not love for my daily little friends whom have shared my 'path' will not the rain beats against the window of my office it feels right to slow down...I have complete control of my camera now and other art projects demand my time.

So, keep an eye out...I will still be around....I will still have my camera on me...and I will Always have things to say...but not daily.

Thankyou for your kind words when trouble has knocked on my door...for when my happiness is evident...for the quiet mornings or the raucous nights....

See you all around....enjoy be alive!

My love...

Bikey Pete.

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