A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden

Meet Dave!

Dave is staying with us for a couple of months while his Mum and Dad (my brother) wait for the house they are moving into to be ready. Dave will be taking over this blip while he is with us!

Day 1 Where the hell am I?

Shoved in vet box, put into car, then stopped. Taken out of car and put into another car. Chatted to my lovely Auntie S for ages and got lots of chin and ear scratches. Stopped and couldn't wait to get out of vet box. Door to vet box opened and I got out to very strange surroundings, didn't recognise anything! Met two local natives but they ran off before I could introduce myself ... so rude!

Sniffed all around and found my room with no strange smells and marked the entrance as "My Place". Went and found Auntie S and told her I was hungry, fortunately Auntie S speaks cat. Had some food, then tried all the toilets. Found one that suited and had a dump! Mannnn, been dying to get rid of that. Had some more food, wandered round and chin rubbed everything in sight. Lots of cuddles from Auntie S. Went back for more food and a wee.

Sneaked upstairs to see my fellow felines but they're a bit shy. We're at the staring stage.

As pads go, it's not too bad. Think I'll stay the night at least.


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