Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Bank Holiday Monday

My mother says, every year without fail, that the spiders come out on August Bank Holiday Monday.

I grew up in a house that I swear was infested with huge, scuttling house spiders; we would get 2 or 3 a night throughout September and October, each of which had to be Hoovered up as we daren't get near. Then the Hoover would spend the night on the porch in case the beasties crawled up the pipe. My mother used to swear she could hear their footsteps on the lino.

In the mid 70s, when afro perms were all the rage, a spider somehow got into my Mum's hair and got tangled in the curls. The afro went very soon after that.

I once held a tarantula in a moment of madness. It was kind of fluffy. But in general I am not an arachnid lover. So I am not sure why this fella found his way back from Florida with us. I am also not sure why he has surplus legs.

I applied an analog filter to the shot - it seems to fit the subject matter, and the hideous, grey, dank and dreary day we are having. I hope it's better where you are.

Do you like spiders?

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