Not Setting Out Their Stall, Maidstone

Day 237 0f 365. It was very hard to get a shot today due to the constant rain - in otherwords a perfect Bank Holiday Monday! This image was taken in the centre of Maidstone, a town rather unfortunately blessed by a hit from the ugly stick. Today it looked particularly forlorn and depressing.
My day started with a long run into the countryside, part of which featured running along the North Pole Road (!) through ancient woodland. It was very wet when I started and I so nearly turned back but something made me carry on. There's something elemental about being completely on your own surrounded by just trees and nothing else, with rain pulsing down. I strangely really enjoyed it. As soon as I was back, though, it was straight into a hot Radox bath and then a lie down.
I popped into the aforementioned Maidstone afterwards to buy some CDs and have a quick drink. All in all not a bad day at all despite the awful weather.

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