If You Could See Me Now



Quote: "Sports do not build character. They reveal it." - Heywood Broun.

Goo Therapy.

This ^ is basically what my blip was ment to be about. We tried droppng two of these. And they don't splat. It's so upsetting. But we tried twice.

Oh well.

It was fun.

Also... This: Her Morning Elegance, is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life.

I'm late getting on the bandwagon, I know, but it's just amazing! I've watched it five times atleast.

It so should have won the Grammy over the stupid Black Eyed Peas!

I just can't stop obsessing over it :) :)

So, I didn't really do much today. Got woken up by a man with his chainsaw. I was ready to go and tell him where to stick that chainsaw. (Somewhere where it's a lot quiter, thats for sure)

Then as he stopped someone decided to mow their lawns.

Thank you Murphy.

But apart from that - it was a good day :) :)

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