Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

New Shoes

I was chuffed with my Saturday purchase! Very comfy.

Discovered my sinuses are infected which is why I've had so much head pain and felt minging all weekend! Within a few hours of taking the tablets I felt much better and am so angry at myself that I let it get worse and worse. But it's going to disinfect now! (Is that the right term?)

I did grown up stuff today. Well after I scared folk walking through town with blood running down my arm - didn't realise on leaving the docs that where they'd taken blood was still spurting. Oops. Went and got my dyson (I'd written hoover but thats not what it is is it?) serviced and then hoovered and steam cleaned my floors. Was much easier to hoover with a clean hoover! (I know. Its a dyson not a hoover. Vacuum seem a silly word too.) Hung my washing out too despite it looking like it might rain all day. It didn't. And I phoned a carpet fitter because after 18 months of saying I need a new carpet I decided it was probably time for action. Also went and sat in the sun that was coming in the patio doors at my parents and pretended I was sunbathing. I took this photo then.

Back to work tomorrow. So glad my heads a bit better!

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