
By bivbov

As wet as a wet thing!

This is me after my swim run just now! I waited until 7pm for the rain to stop, but I have to wait until 7pm tomorrow apparently!! Silly old me!!! I thought it was still summer...

I've been a bit of a grump today! Noo woke me up too early, again, and he's been a tired grump all day himself. The rain meant that our trip to Le Marche (Bank Holiday French Market in Heathfield) was a washout. Still, we bought some honey, bread, smoked garlic and some other yummy stuff for lunch. We also paid a visit to our own running club stall, where some of our running friends were bravely enduring the elements to recruit new members. I had a little sleep this afternoon and woke up feeling worse, then Noo went to sleep just after 6pm and I suddenly felt better! ;-)

GravyC went out for a run first and came back dripping. I usually love running in the rain, but it was almost too tired, and too much of a misery to go out. It was actually the best thing to do........I feel great now!!!

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