The party

When I got back home from my run this morning my husband tentatively told me that he had invited some people over this afternoon. Only 'a few' turned out to be quite a lot. Over 30 people in fact. My response was "you didn't say it was for my birthday did you?" and he gingerly said that he may have mentioned it. I'm not too good at being the centre of attention but we had been meaning to have friends over for a while and it seemed like a good opportunity.

It turned out to be a lovely afternoon and it was nice to catch up with everyone after the long summer holidays, although I didn't particularly enjoy having to clear up the kid's bedrooms this evening! However I did enjoy the delicious chocolate cakes that hubby bought so all was forgiven.

Our friends who had a baby recently turned up and Dexter continued his fascination with baby Theo. They stayed after most people had gone so I thought I'd better quickly grab my camera and get some snaps before our friends move to Sweden soon.

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