
By RoseFamily

9 months

Balian is 9 months old today...where does the time go? He's adorable as always and such a character, can't believe he's only been part of our family for 9 months.
All the boys went on a walk this morning ("see lock mummy, boat went under barrier mummy") whilst I carried on clearing cluttered corners. Finally starting to look better. Today the desk went upstairs as the study becomes a toy room and our home office is squeezed behind a sofa. Every year it's bring downsized (was originally in the room that became the nursery, then in the box room, now a small corner of a playroom. Only area smaller is the under stair cupboard!)
Lovely morning with Jon and Vicki, handing over (dumping) our baby clothes and equipment. So exciting.
After all the boys naps we went to the pirate day at a garden centre. Nathaniel loved all the fish..,but not the Guinea pigs!

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