
By mar

I Promise that I will do my best

I Promise that I will do my best
To love My God
And to be Kind and Helpful.
~Rainbow Promise

Today was the big end of term, Pot of Gold/Promise Party at Rainbows. Pot of Gold is for the Rainbows who are leaving us and going to the Brownies (they reached their Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow - getit?). We had two leaving. The Promise is for girls reciting their Rainbow Promise and are then full-fledged GirlGuides for the first time. We had four doing their Promise.

As it was a big night, parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors, etc were invited to join in the Disco-themed/Girly Girly night that the girls requested. There was a lot of food, games and dancing. We even had all parents (dads included!) playing musical statutes dance off. Charlotte and I were first ones out as she decided to spin me around and I couldn't stop the room spinning.

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