Roy Bridge Evening

Trying to catch up with work over the weekend has seen me miss two blips but I have something, I’m sure, to fill the gaps later. Its just not the same though.
I was distracted from posting earlier by the televised debate. Before I continue I don’t like to use social media as a political megaphone and I share no view here. (perhaps I am undecided).
On the last show Mr Salmond lost some credibility talking about Scotland being vulnerable from attack from space aliens. Tonight Mr Darling lacked any conviction and in truth has an impossible job here. Given his tenure in the last labour government is now ridiculed by the current incumbents, who he has now got to be seen standing shoulder to shoulder with, he was very easy for Salmond to deal with.
In truth I think the No campaign have made a very poor selection in his appointment and people sitting on the fence may now lean towards Yes because of an air locking Darling rather than anything Salmond has said.
Post referendum, what ever happens, folk need to continue to work together with mutual respect.

We were working at Kingussie today, Rohven tomorrow, a great place for a picture if the weather is decent..

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