It's a hoot – Recycling for MonoMonday

Mono Monday returns as if by magic and taxes me with recycling, and I wish I could just wave a magic wand and conjure up an appropriate image.

As luck would have it, exactly 365 days ago I blipped this and fortunately for me the scarecrows have returned this week. So, (you'll have to bear with me here):
(1) I have recycled my original blip idea and come up with this
(2) the scarecrow is wearing items recycled from someone's wardrobe, and
(3) it is stuffed with straw, recycled from the dried stalks of grain from this year's harvest.

Thanks to WestcoastBob for hosting again this week.

You may notice the uncanny resemblance to Harry Potter in this scarecrow, I had nothing to do with this just in case I get sued by Daniel Radcliffe, J K Rowling, the publishers or Warner Brothers.

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