and through the wire...

By hesscat

From Scotland With Love a film commissioned by the BBC for Glasgow 2014 based on archive footage of Scotland in the past hundred years, accompanied by a music soundtrack from King Creosote. Being a big fan of KC, I was really looking forward to the original airing on the BBC several weeks ago but was really taken aback by how well the images and music took us on a journey around Scotland and it's people.

I was almost distraught when the live performance/showing of the film in Glasgow Green scheduled at the same time as our visit to Hampden for The Games, but was somewhat relieved when they announced a showing in The Filmhouse, followed by a Q&A and performance from KC.

So that was tonight, and again it took me through laughs and tears several times, great to see it this time on the big screen.

The next time I see it will be in two and half weeks at Moorflix and I can't wait!

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