
By Beckett


... yes I know - a week or two back I was "praying" for rain after we had such a long.... dry spell!

Well, it had to happen, been raining on and off really well now for a week. But, today was one of those winter days, you just look outside and say.... okay what can I get done inside?

So, into sorting out my hard drives..... know now I have been putting it off for so long!!

Then, it was realising I had not commented, nor had a pic for today!

Okay, why not get a 'crappy' night shot to suit the day, then make it look even worse in the effect!

This, is my effort - and can only apologies for my tardiness in commenting but it will happen.... thank you all for dropping by and checking the MM challenge.

Enjoy, and certainly one I would not suggest looking in large.

OH, okay have a look!!!

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