
By Transitoire

Sail Away

I feel like this picture shows exactly what the waters of Croatia are like; clear; calm; clean. You can even see fish around the bow of the boat if you look in large!

Seems rather strange that this is our penultimate day here in Dubrovnik. Two weeks have really flown by, and it has been so nice to spend time with my parents. We've had a few hysterical laughing moments, and many a tortured moment trying to get up the many flights of stairs in full heat. But it has been great fun so far (I say so far insofar as I don't want to jinx the last day!).

Today we all went for a walk, and while my parents carried on walking a little longer I stayed in the coves for a swim. I even had little fish nibble on my feet today which was an experience!

Rest of the day is pretty standard...I'm almost caught up with back-blipping now too! Not long to go, if you do have a minute do go back and have a look!

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