
for no less than two minutes while I was in the next room!

Poor B, he's so bored. We had a chuckle about it- it was hard to be cross with him! We had to FaceTime Auntie Shelle and show her, and he crawled into my lap and lay there, all warm and cosy! Begging for forgiveness one might say....!

In typical bank holiday fashion, it has rained all day. We did absolutely nothing! At around 3pm we had a nap, and didn't wake up until 6pm- oops!

We were lucky enough to score a dinner invitation to Shelle's, so we toddled off there for Chilli. It was yummy, also because it's the first hot meal I've had in so long.

I went to gym, and had a great session. Although it was Monday, it was less structured, so we had plenty of time to do our own thing, ie; bars and vault. I was happy on both, and really pleased with a few little tricks I did better than before, like my float swing for an upstart. My core is definitely getting stronger, thats for sure.

Home to pick up Little B, bath, then cup of tea, internet and then bed at 2am. Making the most of the last few days on holiday time....

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