Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac

Praise & Protection

The grandeur of the City Chambers in Glasgow was the venue for most of today. It really is such a spectacular building. We were in a fantastic room overlooking George Square, but even with such a big canvas, it is the small details that catch the eye!

This wee cherub sat next to one of the huge fireplaces with his counterpart on the other side. Have to say, seemed a wee bit odd to have these symbols that we now associate with love adorning the focal point of such an iconic seat of power and democracy - but maybe it's more to do with the angelic hierarchy?

In this, the Seraphim are the caretakers of God's throne "and continuously shout praises", whilst Cherubim are considered the elect beings for the purpose of protection.

In terms of local government, make of that what you will...

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