
By Transitoire

Tourism to the Max

In our own city as well...

Well, when you have friends over, it is the only thing to do, find the nearest Superlambanana and the nearest pedestrian and get them to take the photograph. So, the original Superlambanana is a bright yellow sculpture weighing almost eight tons and standing at 17 feet tall, it is intended to be a cross between a banana and a lamb and was designed by Manhattan-based Japanese artist Taro Chiezo. Developed for the 1998 ArtTransPennine Exhibition, the sculpture is both a comment on the dangers of genetic engineering and also heavily influenced by the history of Liverpool: historically both sheep and bananas were common cargos in the city's docks. In 2008, as part of Liverpool's year-long position as European Capital of Culture, 125 individually designed miniature replicas were created...and this is what we are posing with.

Annabell and Tony are Thom's friends who have come to visit us on a roundabout trip around the North. Our first houseguests, how cool! I definitely still sound like a child when I say that! Well, they are the perfect guests, when they arrived last night they even cooked us dinner, can't say better than that! I did actually take some other photographs today, but I thought this one summed it up better.

Strange highlights of today include:-

1.) Me stopping some French kids shoplifting by telling them off in French. Bet that scared the shit out of them!

2.) Thom rugby-tackling a shoplifter to the floor who was running away from the doormen.

Just call us the new crime fighting team I guess!

Dinner was at Lucho Libre, and I much appreciate their quesadillas. And their beer!

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