
By Fido

Porridge Pot

I left the large pan from my tranja stove set on the campsite in Mull a couple of weeks ago, in the kitchen area 'soaking' and only realised when we got home. My mum was quick on the case to get it back and contacted my aunt who was still on the island to ask her to retrieve it.

I think one of these lovely ladies must have cleaned and scrubbed it within an inch of its life because I have never seen it look so shiny. Thanks!

Back to work for me today after a break of almost 17 months. People say it is depressing to return and find the files with your work in them still sitting, untouched and not progressed in your in tray. In my case the files have now been scanned and stored electronically, the paper copies shredded and as I couldn't log onto my computer (because it needs someone to input a 24 digit code and that person is on leave at the moment), no idea of the progression of the work.

Ah, it is *great* to be back.

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