The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

... Residual light

Shot this in the darkest place I could find.
It's was quite dark.. This was shot around 11 PM.
My eyes could not see much detail in the factory.
The light in the sky comes from a small town maybe 5 miles away.
The light in the factory walls and the sheds in the far right comes from the street lights maybe some 300 yards away (in my back). and a few lamps in the factory yard.

This was my first try at really very very poor light.
I can see my camera sensor has a lot of defective pixels (all do) ..among 23 million of them of course not all of them will work fine.
Expanding the picture to 200% view is possible to detect

Dead pixels (pure black) - Pixels who don't receive energy.
Plenty of Stuck Pixels (bright green, or magenta or blue) they receive energy but don't change colour.
and Hot Pixels (pure white) - pixels who "burn" during long exposures. (happens a lot during shots in Bulbe mode)

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