Me and the B
It's been a day of enforced idleness. I was expecting not to sleep well last night because of my severe backacke, but in fact my sleep was not bad, and every time I woke up the radio was still on, with some Goon Show-ish type of comedy emanating from its grille. That was comforting, as my mother is a Goon show enthusiast.
I mainly stayed in bed today, watching stuff on the Amazon player on my iPad, or the live TV app. I did wander about a bit and do a little bit of rearranging piles of clothing, but tended towards the lying-down. As a result, I have stiffened up considerably over the past few hours so will have to take a midnight walk around the house now before I go to bed finally.
Watched an interesting film called Tim's Vermeer about an inventor in the US, Tim Jenison. Working on the hypothesis that Vermeer used a type of camera obscura or primitive lenses in order to get the light to a quality more associated with photography than painting, he set out to reproduce a Vermeer, The Music Lesson, using lenses and a near-perfect recreation of the original scene. The documentary did not touch on composition, or the eye of the artist, and Jenison's Vermeer repro was not to be mistaken for the real thing, but that was hardly the point.
Little Bomble has kept me company today and this frankly dreadful photo shows him looking rather sleepy, having just woken up from a prolonged nap. The filter I have used is called Comic and is part of the photogene app for the iPad.
Night night, world...
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