
Returning and the reverse of this.

I started in the dark with a quick run on the hills. With a load of stuff in my car from where I've been staying and a quick detour via the supermarket, I was home by 9.30am.

Since then:

- I've taken the insurance loss adjuster over the carpet. He was more hopeful about replacement carpet. The tricky part is upstairs where the damage in my wardrobe was deliberate so I'm not likely to get replacement insurance there. Instead I might have to fork out but we'll wait and see.

- then a couple of painters appeared to clean missed bits on windows and few other bits and pieces.

- I unpacked some stuff I've had with me, brought stuff in from the garage and worked on some tricky tasks with the fisher/hunter.

- Directed the movers where to put stuff.

- Helped put beds together.

- Unpacked some boxes. Put stuff into the kitchen.

- Worked with the tech guy to get TV and stereo sorted.

- Squashed boxes for recycling, unpacked more boxes. Got most of the linen in the hot water cupboard.

- Filled that rather orderly (and empty) space in the picture with tramping and climbing gear and a truck load of other stuff that has been with me for the past 3 months.

- Dinner and beer with the fisher/hunter at Cassels.

Bit tired. Might go to bed now.

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