Those were the days my friend........

Well the good news is, Roger got into his suit, and had a good time eating and drinking at the wedding. He left just before i did, and about two minutes later he came back as he had lost his locker key. We looked every where but couldn't find it. When i left he was still looking. Oh dear! I went into town, and i had to go to the building society and the bank and then did some shopping. I got to the bus station, and as i was too early for my bus ,i went inside and sat down. A little elderly lady sat beside me (she was Scottish) She said a man had knocked on her door and walked in and asked her if she would make him a cup of tea. While she went to the kitchen he stole £80. She went to the police and looked at "mug shots" but had no luck. She said , i don't know how i could have been so stupid. I felt really sorry for her, and out of the corner of my eye, i could see my bus pull in. She was still chatting away so i said, i have to go and catch my bus. I got outside and my bus was pulling away. I muttered a few expletives under my breath, and had to wait for the next bus. When i got home i had my lunch ,and decided to look for a frame to put Larry's photo in ,and i found this photo of J and myself, taken in the Top Rank in Cardiff in the 70's. As i didn't have much else to blip i thought i would show you this photo.

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