Yellow Stars
Virtually zero time with the camera today. Just long enough to nip out and snap the flowers on the Lady's Mantle. Ooo err Mrs!
Ninewells this morning for the hand-over meeting from Alan's paediatric gastro consultant to the Consultant from Adult Services. The new consultant is absolutely lovely but at the end of the consultation he said that because of where we live, it's easier for us to go to Perth Royal rather than trail all the way to Dundee, so he'll refer us to his colleague in Perth. Not quite sure why we couldn't have just gone to Perth for the handover in the first place, but there you go.
Home and a quick lunch before an afternoon of meetings with Marc, the designer of Alan's eye gaze computer (trying to upgrade to a newer format), Jenny, the Neuro-psychologist who is involved with us regarding Alan's refusal to eat his main meals for other people, and finally Rachel, who manages the support staff.
By 7pm we were shattered so nothing else for it but an Indian takeaway for tea, a shirt ironed for David for the morning (knew I should have done it yesterday!) then bed and a read of my book.
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