Hitting the wall

It's been nothing but a snow removal day. All about the snow, all day. My part is done...sort of (I ran out of steam) so the mister is throwing his full body weight behind the blower to carve away the wall that the feathermucking street plow left us at the end of the drive.

I hate that street plow guy. No, I love him because without him we wouldn't be able to go anywhere on the main roads. No, I hate him because he does this every time...waits till I'm done clearing and then does his groundshaking, rumbling driveby.

We are running out of room to put it.

While I was out, I heard the first mating calls of the chickadees instead of their usual chatter. Erm...I hate to break it to you, chickadees, but it's a bit early to start thinking about...about making little chickadees.

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