it all takes time

By Don2532

Another time to remember

A year ago today I heard my brother had died. Where does time go to!

So much has happened since then but at same time so little has changed. Some of this is good and some not. Time is passing quickly and I'm not making the most of it. Meandering onward. Thats ok sometimes but not all the time.

Time to shrug off some of my old ways and learn from mistakes made. I know this. The challenge however is actually doing it.

Getting back to blip is a tiny part, grabbing my camera and taking a reasonable snap is another part, Ive done neither much recently. Must try harder. We aren't on this earth for ever as this month so readily reminds me each year. Little steps.

Todays step. Blipping on time.

Mick I miss you. It beggars belief your gone. Rest in peace.

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