Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Hello again!

It's been a very busy and unusual day and the last thing on my mind has been a blip. 4 hours of Digital Marketing in the morning, followed by a quick lunch at home and then catching up in the afternoon before having to drive across town to collect the remaining items of a prescription from early July. Medical insurance - don't ask...

Got home for a quick dinner before heading out again to Lamcy to do something for my elder sister in Lahore. Whilst there, we had a quick whizz around the supermarket, where this is probably the most cheerful sight I've seen all day. Fruit juices of various descriptions in different shapes and sizes. I liked the colours.

SO glad it is Thursday tomorrow; and I have managed to get a hair appointment in less than 24 hours to have the grey removed. I think that will make me feel better.

Sorry I haven't got to you today. The weekend is nigh. :)

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