All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


It was a bit of a shock to the system to me when my sleepy brain remembered when I woke up that I now have to go in to work on a Wednesday! At least it's only for 5 hours though. I don't start till 9.30am so I can drop Ethan off at school first. However he asked at 7.15am if he could go to breakfast club today and if he could walk to school. Neither of those were in my plans for this morning but I didn't want to discourage him from either. So, we managed to get ready in time and walked / scootered up to school. I then had to walk home, get breakfast myself, before driving into work.

I managed to get home quickly from work this afternoon (amazing how quick the journey is in non rush hour traffic) so again, left the car at home and walked to the school again to pick him up. We then had to go straight to his swimming lesson, which he did really well at. He seemed to be swimming very confidently on his back and also under the water, which was great to see.

A short trip to soft play afterwards, then Sainsburys and home for a late dinner.

He was clearly tired this evening (behaviour not great as a result) but I guess it's only his 3rd full day at school and a swimming lesson straight afterwards, so it was to be expected.

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