9 years
9 years of work on this drive.
Don't worry it is saved in other places too!
Have sent my work to an ex-colleague for her views on it, whilst I wait I am doing lots of little tidying up jobs. I know this study is going to drag on for another couple of months but then that will be it, done.
Slight problems today, the central heating broke and there is no hot water. The internet has been an annoyance of being on and off all day making retrieving research articles frustrating. My mum is supposed to be visiting and her method of transport down here has gone wrong so plans have had to change. Then I got some bad news which means I have been set a slightly impossible physical task to complete in the next 3 days (think moving 2000 bricks on your own to find the brick with a small blue dot on the underside of it). Oh and I also got the ice bucket challenge through from one of my favourite friends so I'm going to have to get on with that I reckon pretty sharpish although I'm tempted to give to a different charity now, making the assumption that the ALS charity is pretty buoyant right now.
There is a positive side to things though. I still have enough time to make amendments to my thesis if my friend suggests it. The reason my mum is coming down is we are off to London to go for a meal by this years Masterchef's finalists, one of them is a mate of Mr.H, sadly I have heard a rumor he is not making his famous samosas. Other good news is I had tiramassu (sp?) so life must be good!
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