point and press

By crispinhj

at long


Sam very kindly put up these cupboards for me across this wall of the front bedroom six or seven years ago, including the framing, skirting and so on. I then hung the doors about twelve months after that but I never bothered to put on the handles or catches

There's a load of storage here, the three central sections are shelved out because they go over the chimney breast which we couldn't take out because we use the fire in the room below so we need the flue. The double doors at each side have hanging space as well as deeper shelving.

Changes at home mean that it's become important for handles and catches to be fitted and for the front of them to be painted - the interiors are like kitchen cabinets and nice and white which you can wipe down.

Fitting handles is fine but I always have found fitting catches a pain, it always seems for lots of fiddling around and fine adjustment, and I'm really not that patient. I found I could get them adjusted just right with judicious taps with a hammer. As my friend Terry once said, the one tool you need for every job is a good big hammer

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