Play Misty

The photograph today was going to show Cosmo doing some housework. She was unusually energetic for first thing in the morning. She was convinced her towel was in the wrong place, so experimented with finding somewhere different to put it. She was still moving it around when we left.

Unfortunately it was too dark this morning so none of the photographs of Cosmo I took with the iPhone came out well, there was either the effect of the flash, or when the flash did not go off the exposure was too long, so Cosmo was a bit blurred. Instead this is a photograph taken in Hazlehead Park at the car park.

The building is some sort of administration building for the park I think. I though it almost looks like a fairly a fairly posh farm house, or even a minor manor house. It was quite misty when I took the photograph, though I have attempted to make it appear to be a bit more misty than it actually was. At least it had stopped raining.

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