Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Whew...made it.

I figured I would skip posting but, I am trying to post daily, and this is a last minute attempt while listening to The Daily Show and Colbert Report and not bothering with lighting or anything, as the eyelids are a bit heavy. (apologies)

Anyway, I love the old Websters I found at a garage sale decades ago. I know, I can look up words online, but I can't use my computer when I need something to step on to reach that high shelf in the closet, and it makes a pretty good make-shift booster seat too. Mostly, I love being able to leaf through the big old thing when I need a definition of a word that Ed has obviously misunderstood. heh...actually we're about 50/50 on that one.

I'd better post fast as it is ten until midnight. spell check became non-existent, and who has time to look anything up now? Not me. :)

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