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By Puffin

A tall agapanthus story

While filming my son doing his ice-bucket challenge (twice because I failed to press start and he had to do it again- I was popular) -oh yes, I noticed the agapanthus that I had bought to fill the space where the old ones failed to flower, were twice as tall as the ones I had replaced. Rather than show my lopsided border I am showing a close-up of one of the new giant agapanthus who is rather beautiful. ( or is that agapanthi?)

I would also add that the reason the old ones failed to flower is because a year or so ago, Mr P cut down the new leaves in Spring because he thought they were dead daffodils . I waited a year or two to see if they would recover- but no . I replaced the plants last year and this year the new flowers are spectacular and far superior to the old much shorter older ones.

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