
By skaterg1rl

carpetbiter1 begged to be able to stay at home and play with stuff. so they made up elaborate games and argued over pool while i turned into organising/chuck-out lady.

went to the pool to debounce where i found these letters which were strangely appealing

i would have quite liked to have blipped the very, very large lady eating her cake in the cafe but it would have been rude.

i seem to have spent quite a bit of today trying to teach the children to respect me, listen when i ask them to do stuff and generally chip in. how did i manage 9 years of parenting and forget to teach them any of that stuff? i suspect it's just a long haul job. i also suspect all they heard and took in was 'blah, blah, blah, cross with you, blah, blah, blah, why do you think you did that?'

hopefully a grouchy day today will lead to a better one tomorrow

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