Cats & Dogs

By thecatsmother

On a dark dark night

...well not so very dark, have had to wait till almost eleven to go out in the actual proper, need a torch to see your feet dark, but the nights are fair drawin' in!

Bit of an aurora hustle over the past couple of days...rained and clouded over yesterday, and a slight possibility for this evening....I have my eternal battle with light pollution from the harbour, and being too lazy to drive anywhere contented myself with a bit of sky watching...I saw SEVERAL shooting stars, quite a lot of satellites and the Milky Way is just about visible...will surely be better in the small wee hours with real proper dark

So....I went marauding up the field path at the back....on my own, in the dark with my flashlight app draining the very life out of my phone battery

This is the end cottage, next to Mrs SecuritylightFagonTheDoorstep's place....she has recently moved, and the new tenants seem to be less keen on their outdoor lighting so maybe I shall have one less thing to moan about during the winter.

AND...getting to the point you have the end of the milky way pirouetting up and over the sky.

seriously don't worry if all you can see is the odd IS there somewhere.

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