Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Late to Market

There was a fat packet of cards in the mail today, all offering bargains too good to be true. It was the usual stuff, and I didn't feel like wasting time with it, but something made me keep looking until I found this gem.

Just imagine the thrill of hearing the "ROAR of the Allison engine" as the little plane taxis out of the hangar every hour of the day -- and night!

The pilots who flew this plane in WW II would have to be at least 80 years old -- those that survived. There can't be a lot of them left to buy this clock, and how many of their spouses would appreciate that hourly "ROAR"?

I almost forgot to mention that it only costs $180, payable in four monthly installments, plus a $21.99 charge for shipping and service -- the latter detail only visible to those able to read very small print.

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