First Soccer Practice

Armed with a Captain America water bottle, a way-too-shiny pair of cleats and the tiniest pair of shin guards I've ever seen, my little guy took the field today for the first time with lots of enthusiasm and only a few nagging nerves. Dad, Grandma and I were all there to support him in his first attempt at what we hope turns out to be a sport he loves as much as his mommy did (and still does). The coach tasked them all with coming up with a team name before the next practice. Alex shared with me later that he was thinking about "Hot Wheels" for a name. I told him I thought that was a good one and he immediately changed it to "Hot Balls", saying that was more appropriate for a soccer team name. Oh boy, buddy, I'm going to leave that alone.

After practice we went to his Kindergarten School Supply Drop-off and got to see one of two classrooms that may be his. School starts next Wednesday, but Alex is currently in a class that doesn't have a teacher yet. I'm sure they'll have something sorted out by next week. Can't believe I drop him off at Big School next week. Oh my word, my baby is growing.

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